工藤 潔
KUDŌ Kiyoshi
Indian Summer Ⅲ
Indian Summer III
朝、近所のおばあちゃんと犬の散歩に時々出会う。何か世の中変だねえ‼ 昭和が懐かしい。今年の夏は異常な暑さ、予想外の事ばかり。この先いったいどうなることやら。AI? 絆は大丈夫か? 別に欲は言わないけれど、自由で平和で美しい地球、たったそれだけなのにねっと呟いているようだ。共生きの精神を取り戻すことを願う。
※The following was generated by machine translation. 以下の英訳は機械翻訳によるものです。
In the morning, I sometimes meet my neighbor's grandmother walking her dog. Something is strange in the world, isn't it? I miss the Showa period. This summer has been unusually hot and full of unexpected things. I wonder what will happen in the future. I don't want anything, but it seems as if they are murmuring about the free, peaceful, and beautiful earth, even though that's all there is. I hope we can regain the spirit of symbiosis.