第四科 工芸美術

武田 司たけだ つかさ

TAKEDA Tsukasa



the passage of time –under the taiga–


 人間の活動により変化した場所は気候変動の影響を強く受け、一九七一年には谷を形作り、二十年後にはクレーターに、半世紀後には融解侵食地、世界最大の Batagaika crater となった。

The following was generated by machine translation. 以下の英訳は機械翻訳によるものです。

The site, altered by human activities, was strongly affected by climate change, forming a valley in 1971, a crater 20 years later, and a thawing erosion site half a century later, the largest Batagaika crater in the world.
The eggshell mother-of-pearl inlay on the rust-lacquer relief depicts the thawing permafrost wall, and also depicts the old and new confrontation of the now crumbling pine trees with the mammoths and other ancient relics found in the deeper layers.