※The following was generated by machine translation. 以下の英訳は機械翻訳によるものです。
I tried to finish this work by slightly exaggerating the wavy crucifixion seen in slab scripts, etc., while being conscious of the "chapter and grass" seen in the Han dynasty's simplified letters and the Jin dynasty's Saijing's moon-glass chapters, etc. I tried to add more bold movements with an awareness of horizontal expansion. I was conscious of the horizontal expansion of the lines and added more bold movements, and considered the thickness, moisture, and coarseness of the lines, but I think the most difficult part was the narrowing and widening of the space between lines. For the subject matter, I chose a poem by Ishikawa Jozan, who wrote about the spectacular view of Mt.
僊客来遊雲外巓 神龍栖老洞中淵
雪如紈素煙如柄 白扇倒懸東海天